We are continuously challenged to create platforms that will add value to our clients. we received testimonies from exhibitors and visitors at the 10th edition of TOSSE of how it has helped expand their organizations and opened up unlimited business opportunities for them.
We have remained committed to making each edition of TOSSE bigger than the former and this has paid off in actualizing our vision for the education sector

TOSSE 2019 promises to be a highly rewarding business networking platform for all participants. Several educators and exhibitors have attended TOSSE, met just one person unexpectedly and their careers took positive 360 degree turns. Like we say, “You never know who you will meet at TOSSE.”

As an organizer, we have continuously reviewed how best our exhibitor can derive maximum benefits from TOSSE; this is the reason we have chosen to host the annual Education show in Ikeja the center of Lagos State which is accessible to everyone. We have streamlined our event to a mainly education based platform making it a one-stop shop for educators all over the country.