How to Attract The Media To Your Stand At Trade Shows

The main objective of exhibiting your business at trade shows is capturing leads to acquiring new business and brand awareness. However, attracting the media to your stand is certainly the best way to achieve such objective, but how do you achieve this?

Prepare Media Kit

To get the media to talk about your products, the first thing to do is to provide them with valuable contents. Unless your company is very famous or your news incredibly powerful, journalists won’t spend time searching for information and material to talk about you. You must provide them with everything, make it easy for them.


What should my Media Kit contain?

A good Media Kit contains the following information:

  • Company introduction
  • Company factsheet (figures, facts, graphs – key elements about your business that make it worth talking about)
  • Company timeline (your historic, major dates and milestones)
  • Major products / services / innovations introduction
  • Bio of the founder / CEO / key employees
  • High-resolution Photos and Logos (a good article always comes with a photo, if you don’t provide it, you risk losing control over your content or losing the article altogether)

The strategy is to always provide something very short to give a quick overview with links to find out, make it easy to grasp your documents within seconds, don’t lose your reader in pages of text.

Build your story

Most companies have no story to tell, hence no PR coverage.

Unless you have some incredible innovation to share or an internationally famous brand, why would people talk about you?

You need to have a story that will captivate your audience.

The story can be about your company and what it stands for or about your CEO or founder on his own journey or unique personality.


Make use of PR (Press Release)

Write a Press Release announcing that you will be exhibiting at the show. Make it bold. Use your story as the backbone of your release and add some suspense into it. Talk about innovation, announcement, exclusive information, etc.

If your press release is boring, don’t even bother publishing it. It would have no impact and would only waste your time. Write something worth reading that makes people (and media) want to come pay you a visit.

Once written, publish your PR and relay it through your own networks (website, Social Media, blog, newsletter, etc.), send it to journalists within your network and invite your partners to help you spread it.

Prepare Question & Answer Forms

You did everything right and some journalists stop by your booth, well done!

Then what?

They start talking to your staff. Your team members have been trained for capturing leads and educating visitors, but do they have a clue on how to handle media? Most probably not.

You will certainly ask them to direct journalists to you, but what if you’re not here or the journalist has no time to wait?

Prepare a Q&A sheet for internal purpose. This sheet should contain the top 10 questions you expect journalists to ask about your business and the “correct” answers your staff should be giving.

Use this document to standardize your numbers (you don’t want a person to claim a number and another one say something different) and make sure everyone is on the same page. Distribute this Q&A document and tell your team to read it and memorize it carefully



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Tips for Boosting Business Productivity in 2020


The year 2019 has ended, with it, a decade. Putting the year 2019 under review, there are couple of lessons to be learned when it comes to handling businesses. Below are highlights for boosting your business productivity in 2020.

Some ideas might seem basic at the surface and business owners may tend to ignore them, but these “little things” should not be taken for granted. This brings us to the first tip of having a productive business in 2020.

Know Your Customer

Know your consumer needs and develop products that help satisfy those needs. The all essence of creating a business is to provide solutions to solve other people’s problems.

One big pitfall most businesses have run into is getting comfortable with a routine, forgetting that the tastes of the consumer are ever-changing despite its originally eclectic nature. Business owners should always find a way to tweak already existing products to meet these changing demands. Ever wondered the need for Coke Zero when the normal Coca-Cola was selling by the truckloads?

Identifying consumer needs is not as difficult as it might sound. It takes engaging your consumers in discussions. Encourage them to give feedback on the products. As much as it depends on you, keep your services as personalised as possible. Always acknowledge these comments; it just might encourage them to send another.

Boost and Nurture Customer Relations

Most businesses, if not all, want new customers. But what is a new customer if you lose two of your old ones! Old customers are usually the source of new ones, directly or indirectly. So nurture those old clients.

You can do this by staying in contact with them via different means. Newsletters, emails, text messages – these are just a couple of ways to do this. Try to always make these means of correspondence personalised.

Grow Your Network

Invest time in building your networks. Who you know is more important than what you know. Therefore try to get to meet more people. Attend networking events and do not be hesitant to put your business out there.

Possible benefits of networking include the possibility of customer referrals by word of mouth; it is a form of marketing. Another benefit is that you could get positive ideas on how to further grow your business. If possible, have discussions with your fellow competitors. It almost always pays.

Utilize Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for businesses. It provides an easy platform to conduct market research, get consumer feedback and even promote and advertise your business. The best part is that it is relatively easier and cheaper to run when compared to other traditional methods, and it undoubtedly yields better results.

As common as social media is, some businesses have overlooked this goldmine. It so happens that some don’t have a social media presence while some others have not gone through the process of growing their brand’s visibility on the network. What this means is that those ventures miss out on prospective clients that are teeming on social media, feeding off scraps. Hence, try to boost your visibility on social media. Take advantage of Brand Influencers, create sponsored ads, grow your following by posting relevant and fun posts, and so on. Your clients are on the timeline.


Finnpartnership: Business partnerships for a better world

According to the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report, Finland has the world’s best-developed education system in the world. Hence, any educational program from the country is one to be held in the highest regard.

Finnpartnership is a business partnership programme financed by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and managed by Finnfund. Finnpartnership aims to generate positive development impacts by promoting business between Finland and developing countries. 

Societal functionality and development ultimately depend on how citizens, companies and societal operators are able to make society function. Finnpartnership activities aim to accelerate this development.

In practice, Finnpartnership promotes business activities and partnerships with the aim of generating positive development impacts in the target country. As the business to be promoted must also be profitable and responsible, the activities ideally create a cycle that reinforces positive development.  

The main services are Business Partnership Support and Matchmaking

In many ways, developing countries are different operating environments from those Finnish companies are accustomed to. In addition, the conditions between countries and within them can vary greatly.

There are usually more questions than answers when visiting a foreign country for the first time. Finnpartnership offers funding, contacts and advisory services, which can be used to assess business opportunities in developing countries. 

Business Support Partnership is financial assistance for researching business opportunities. Match-making connects operators in Finland and developing countries with one another. The services are intended for companies, educational institutions, non-governmental organisations and other operators.  

Team Finland assembles all of Finland’s state-funded internationalisation services in a single place. Through Team Finland, you are able to obtain information on markets and their risks, funding for internationalisation, opportunities to participate in missions promoting exports, and contacts, information and advisory services.

Team Finland will be at the Total School Support Seminar/Exhibition (TOSSE) set to hold on the 1st and 2nd of September in Lagos, Nigeria, to help as many institutions as possible through its solutions to help develop their system. Click here to register for the event.

Generic Brand Communication in Today’s Global Market

Just as all human beings have names that represent their unique identity in society, similarly companies give unique brand names for their products to facilitate their distinction from the competitor’s brands.


Branding and marketing communication today have created a massive product globalization and glocalization. A large number of generic brand’s product are available, but not all brands are liked by consumers as choice is highly influenced by the product but also the manufacturer.

Brand identity is essential in competition because without it there is no way of making a choice. The selection of a brand name is considered an art form because it is born out of the creative interpretation of research. The following should be considered before settling for a brand name:


  • Easy to pronounce
  • Product benefits  
  • Registered trade mark.

Effective generic consumer engagement involves effective packaging which when effectively done proffer a high return on investment in terms of sales volumes. Innovative packaging helps increase consumer patronage and consumer scope. These are all important aspects of brand communication and packaging as a whole

The value of a brand rises and falls
with its communication